Articles by and about Joel Denker from assorted books, magazines, and newspapers.
The Carrot Purple

Rainbow colored carrots by Stephen Ausmus, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture
Vegetables: Proceedings of the Oxford Symposium on Food and Cookery 2008
Traces the odyssey of the carrot from purple root vegetable in Afghanistan to today’s more recent orange incarnation.
It’s Ironbound, But It’s Forever Changing
Philadelphia Inquirer, June 27, 1999
The Portuguese transform an ethnic gateway in Newark, New Jersey.
Savoring Ethnic Montreal
Originally from The Boston Globe, May 10, 1998
A Journey Along Montreal’s Main, Boulevard St. Laurent, provides a window on the city’s changing ethnic landscape.
Washington Post, June 18, 2009
Spain’s popular refreshment is reinvented in the Americas.
Ethnic Food Business
The Business of Food, 2007
Traces the rise of ethnic food businesses—groceries, farmers, restaurants, and manufacturers—from immigrant enterprises to mainstream institutions.
“The Horse Started the Business”: The Progresso Story
Ambassador, A Quarterly Publication of the National Italian American Foundation, Fall 2004
Giuseppe Uddo, a young Sicilian immigrant in early twentieth century New Orleans, started out carrying canned tomato paste on a horse-drawn carriage and ended up creating Progresso Foods.
“Food for Thought” by Todd Kliman
Washington’s City Paper
About Washington author Joel Denker and his latest book, The World on a Plate.
“Savoring D.C.’s Diversity” by Linda Wheeler
The Washington Post
A portrait of Washington author Joel Denker and his book, Capital Flavors.